Anabond’s Corporate Social Responsibility

At Anabond, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an integral part of our modus operandi. In 2014, India became the first country to legally mandate corporate social responsibility. Anabond understands that good deeds need no mandate and, being the trendsetter that it is, has been active in CSR activities since the day it broke even, decades ahead of the trend.
Anabond Foundation and Fr. Francis Guezou Social Welfare Centre are jointly engaged to improve the quality of life for the youth in communities near our places of business. We do so by providing scholarships and educational support to underprivileged children and upgrading the infrastructure of educational institutions. We also believe that a healthy mind needs a healthy body and our efforts have also been directed to positively impact health and sanitation.
Fr. Francis Guezou was a French Missionary who spent most of his lifetime at the Yelagiri hills with a singular mind to uplift the needy. The founder of Anabond was witness to unexpected support from this great missionary at a crucial time in his childhood. His penchant for learning was noticed by Fr. Guezou who helped him with his college education. When his fortunes improved and Anabond became a profitable enterprise, the founder returned to the missionary with an intent to repay the generosity shown towards him. However, Fr. Francis Guezou advised Mr J. Vijayakumar that the best way to express it would be to share the secret of his success with the world: education. This exchange defined the vision and direction of Anabond’s CSR efforts which endures to this day.
Fr. Francis Guezou’s kind and generous spirit continues to live on in the beating hearts of every Anabond family member.